The Logo
I was often bored in high school and spent a lot of time doodling. For a period of time, I was into figuring out how to write text with various constraints: writing reversed, writing upside-down, designing ambigrams for all my friends' names, and so on.
One day, I was playing around with triangles and noticed I could write "DAVID" in a rather triangular fashion. "DING" was a lot less convincing, but when I removed parts of triangles the whole thing suddenly became much clearer. Furthermore, after a few iterations, I realized I could make it so that "A", "V", "N", and "G" could all be made out of the same rotated partial triangle.
This was extremely exciting to me at the time and I spent lunch that day drawing my discovery for my friends. Their minds were not as blown as mine had been, but they thought it was cool, and moreover, the feat could not be remotely replicated on any of their names. I had a lucky set of letters to work with.
Years later, I was trying to figure out what logo I could use for my website and remembered that doodle from high school. An hour or so of amateur photo editing later, I had a digital version of it done. It's not perfect, but it's my design and I'm rather proud of it. One name, written in three shapes.